Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • mischief
    Sep 19, 04:50 PM
    Originally posted by alex_ant
    And in other news, Hell has just frozen over. More details as they emerge.

    You're being particularly pissy today and rather down on the Mac. Wassup?:confused:

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  • Eraserhead
    Jun 1, 04:38 AM
    I don't think See Also would really be good enough, it would have to be handled on a case by case basis depending on the article, but a web page does not have to stick to a particular format.

    Which is absolutely fine, not all applications have command line equivalents.

    Has anyone any objections with the beta category idea? I'd quite like to see what they are like...

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  • david77
    Mar 13, 04:32 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Very interesting. My iPhone4 from ATT is still thinking it is the wrong time, SO very annoying. Also I am running 4.3.

    If you turn off 3G, do you get the correct time?

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  • ctsport1234
    Oct 28, 04:51 AM
    the new interface looks great! its about time apple! ;)


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  • displaced
    Sep 27, 10:51 AM

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Never fear. Apple will invent a new number, complete with a new character. 10.4.9 will include updates to all system font files and keyboard layouts containing this new symbol.

    Now that's innovation.

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  • cmaier
    Mar 26, 08:32 PM
    Nice dude, you really had to go there right? A good'ol racist comment.

    Other than the fact that it identifies the races of the participants, what makes it "racist?"


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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 14, 08:49 PM
    Blasphemy! Could not help it. :-)

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  • Arcady
    Apr 12, 01:01 PM
    The correct link for the change notes for this release is here:


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  • JDDavis
    Mar 6, 06:42 AM

    Really like the tone and the kind of retro feel. It's simple but it works well.

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  • ltcol266845
    Apr 5, 08:51 AM
    I agree. When I'm holding my iPod horizontally, I usually always rest my thumb over home button.

    And speaking as someone that used an EVO4G (lapse of judgement :P) with capacitance buttons, its not a fun experience... Way too easy to accidentally hit them. Plus, you need that home button for all the resetting and jailbreaking ;)


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  • Twe Foju
    Apr 23, 02:19 AM
    I think to dictate what people should or shouldn't do with their machines is silly. Search the forums and the internet. The Air has proven to be plenty capable as a gaming machine for it's size and has many satisfied users talking about it.

    A computer is certainly a tool, but it can also be a gaming machine, a home theater pc, an entertainment hub, etc.; whatever a user may find use for it for.

    Obviously, certain machines are better and worse at certain functions than others, but don't forget that this generation of MBA, there are people that actually did go out and buy the Air because one of the reasons is that it did happen to be a decent performer in games, while remaining ultra portable. In this case, I think the Air strikes an excellent balance between function and form.

    I use my Air for live music sets and this is exactly a scenario where such a BL KB would be grand. I read similar opinions from other musicians on this forum in another thread. Creative artists like live musicians can definitely find appropriate use for a backlit kb, but even average everyday users who don't share the same skill level as you would also benefit from it. If anything, adding convenience is always a welcome.

    If you don't want or need the backlit kb, then you could always turn it off. It's there for people who might need it. Win-win situation.

    You sir, just made my morning :D

    And i Think this thread should be rename into:

    Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt + HD3000 vs 320M


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  • mstrze
    Apr 4, 11:55 AM
    so a prius does the same amount of damage to a road as full size RV?

    No, but a 70s compact muscle car might. (Friend had a 1970.5 Firebird that was getting him 6 mpg!)


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  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 03:21 PM
    I was excited for this app. when I heard about it. The evening it was released it kept crashing. I gave up on it then; and the intro is a little much too. I'm deleting it. Thanks for letting me down again TWC.

    HEHE, I giggled cause I thought u were being sarcastic about The Weather Channel letting you down... I forgot Time Warner's 11% marketshare is still a big chunk, I just didn't make the connection cause to me TWC is The Weather Channel... which would be cool if they streamed live, hehe.

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  • japanime
    Nov 12, 04:57 PM
    yes but they're all trying to speak english, they just can't get it right

    Just like 99.9 percent of Americans try to pronounce Japanese words like Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Pokemon, etc., and just can't get it right.


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  • jsw
    Sep 13, 09:14 AM
    No, it's the anethesist who is is dreamy, the neurosurgeon is a cut-up.

    Wait, maybe the neurosurgeon is sharp and the anethesist is a gas...

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 26, 03:59 AM
    Good point there! I think Apple may in fact be more likely to not want anyone else to get control and 'bastardize' the use. I think it would be good for Apple to gain 'ownership' but not to exert the right that this might entail.
    That's the trouble with trademarks, they are use-it-or-lose-it propositions. You can't simply hold them in trust without actively defending them :(


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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jun 14, 10:04 PM
    I havent been able to find out if the new HDD is proprietary or if MS stopped being dicks about that.

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  • tempusfugit
    Nov 7, 11:52 AM
    imagine being able to walk around a store and scan items with your iphone for the company's information about the product. That's the kind of stuff we're gonna see in the not-so-distant future imo.

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  • yetanotherpunte
    Nov 14, 03:02 PM
    Hi guys my macintosh LC makes a bit of a high pitched noise when i turn it on

    any ideas as to what this could be?

    Pictures of it can be found here -

    Apr 13, 08:36 AM
    My wife's Macbook is criminally slow and I'm gonna remove some unused programs but I don't know how to do that. Is there no add/remove applications option like the one in Windows?

    The MB is so super slow that it's taking quite a while just to open folders so I don't really have the time nor patience to search myself. Thought it would be best to ask you guys.

    Please help! Also advices on how to speed up a Mac without hardware installation are most welcome!


    Mar 19, 08:04 AM
    Do these devices need to access anything on your LAN, or do they just need Internet access ?

    If they need LAN access, then if you're thinking about just using mac address filtering for them, then why bother with WPA2e for the rest ?

    If they just need Internet access, then use a different SSID connected to a VLAN that only has Internet access, obviously with suitable firewall rules in place.

    I tend to suggest using a wired connection for anything that doesn't support wireless at the required security level, and if it only supports wireless at a level that doesn't meet the required security level, then I wouldn't purchase it.

    Apr 21, 12:54 PM
    If the hardware isn't that much different from the iPad 2 then why would they give it to devs early?

    Jan 6, 09:44 PM
    It is a nice addition...too bad it took so long.

    Mar 12, 07:20 PM
    I'd happily drive to Key West in search of a Mountain Dew Code Red.

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